Learn Mindfulness PLUS EFT Tapping
Feeling like you can't concentrate? Are you drawn into mindless time-wasting activities? Or always working and feeling stressed? Thought about learning Mindfulness and EFT?

Why be interested in this programme?
Welcome! Are you looking for a way to change your life and truly make a difference?
Are you feeling like you just don’t have enough time or energy to focus on the things that matter most to you?
If so, you’re in the right place.
Our nine week “Learn mindfulness and EFT Online Course” can help you do just that. We will help you to break through barriers, explore new ideas and learn how to be present and grateful for everything in your life. Imagine this… you wake up each morning with a feeling of contentment and clarity of purpose, you approach the day armed with an amazing set of skills to work from, and you’re reaping the rewards of increased creativity, productivity and overall wellbeing.That’s what this course will do for you.
Why people learn mindfulness? And Why EFT Tapping too?
Mindfulness is a valuable life skill to keep you balanced and healthy It supports your wellbeing and helps you co-regulate with others. Our busy lives have left our brains in a constant 'hyper' state. It's the quickest route to feeling agitated, and exhausted.
By developing the skill of of moving your attention to focus on what is steadying in the present moment you teach your brain how to be in a more restful state more of the time.
Research* shows people who do as little as 12 mins of mindfulness a day feel calmer, happier, healthier and more in control of their lives.
Do you need more of this?
On the programme that we are running this year, we are adding in a BONUS skillset to learn.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) sometimes called Tapping, is a simple and clincially proven process to reduce anxiety, cravings, depression and help regulate an over active mind.
Combining EFT with Mindfulness super-chargers your toolkit for feeling relaxed, happy, and peaceful of mind and body.
For the same price as a regular Learn Mindfulness Programme we are offering the bonus Learn EFT programme too.
EFT is a relatively novel but highly researched set of techniques for dialling down a stressed or overwhlemed nervous system. It's a fantastic tool to have in it's own right. When combined with mindfulness it can help you focus and concentrate very quickly.
It's a superb techniwue to have for you and for others when things go wrong in life and stress is running high. It is a really fast way to reset your nervous system and feel in control again.
What could the course do for you?
This extended- 9 Week Mindfulness and EFT programme, also referred to as Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Course was developed by the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre and is for anyone who would like to learn mindfulness to manage the frantic pace of daily living.
It is also based on the 8-Week MBCT for Depression Course, recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence in the UK.
People who complete these types of 8 or 9 week Mindfulness courses experience*:
- Lower stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms when compared to a control group
- Improved working memory
- Improved ability to focus
- Greater satisfaction with their relationships
- Improved fear modulation
- Greater immune function
- Reduced psychological distress
- Lower blood pressure
- Better cognitive scores (particularly in older people and people with Alzheimers Disease)
- Reduced cell ageing
- Improved ability to cope with the pain, anxiety and depression that can accompany a chronic condition
- Improved ability to overcome addiction due to reduced psychological distress
- Improved sleep
* American Psychological Association and Greater Good Science Centre, University of California
Please note that Mindfulness is not recommended for those in the midst of a depression episode, but it is highly effective in preventing further relapses of depression, when learned during remission.
Please contact us for advice about this. info @ willthomascoaching.com

9 Weeks of High Quality Learning, Laughing and Life Skills!
If you love the idea of this course hop to the bottom of the page and secure your place now. Only 15 places. Early Bird Price for 48 hours.
What is the content for the 9-Week Learn Mindfulness and EFT Course?
Week 1: Waking up from automatic pilot (mindful eating and body scan practices)
Week 2: Another way of being (body scan and mindful awareness of breath practices)
Week 3: Gathering the scattered mind (mindful movement and awareness of breath, body and sound)
Week 4: Recognising reactivity (mindful walking and awareness of breath, body, sounds and thoughts practices) -
Week 5: Allowing and letting be (approaching difficulty practice)
Week 6: Responding skillfully: thoughts are not facts (mindful
listening and compassion practice)Week 7: How can I best take care of myself? (mountain practice)
Week 8: EFT Tapping and how to use it in Mindfulness
Week 9: Bringing it all together
How is the course run and by whom?
The course: The course runs online over 9 weeks. Two hours per week. The sessions are recorded and can be watched at other times. We do ask that you are visible and able to contribute to the sessions when you attend live. This helps everyone feel more relaxed and get to know one another.
A certificate of attendance is provided for everyone who completes 7 out of the 9 live sessions. We spend around 30 minutes in shorter chunks trying out different mindfulness practices each session, and also have whole group teaching and break out rooms to discuss ideas and practice in pairs.
You'll build you own mindfulness practice week by week through the course. By the time you complete the course it will be a habit!

The Trainer
The course is designed and run by Will Thomas. He has over 25 years of experience working in private therapy practice, 15 years as a trainer of mindfulness and over 30 years of personal meditation practice in The UK and also overseas. He's highly qualified in meditation, a trainer of hypnosis, coaching and emotional freedom techniques.
He holds a master’s degree in counselling, is a qualified coach, a GHR-registered hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner, Master Practitioner in Timeline Therapy, Satir Transformational Coach, Teacher of Mindfulness, Somatic Trauma-informed Coach and Emotional Freedom Techniques Advanced Practitioner.
With so much experience of human psychology you are in safe hands when you join his courses. He’s always seeking to bring increased value and integration to his support practices for others.
His own trauma-recovery journey has helped him turn adversity into a passion for helping others heal and thrive.
A multimedia programme with downloadable video and PowerPoints and other resources .
The course runs for 9 weeks. 2 hours per week. Certificate of attendance for attending 7 of the 9 weeks.
Build your own mindfulness habit as the course progresses.
Will is an accredited teacher of mindfulness. His feedback and support is highly rated by all his students and he makes the training environment feel safe and encouraging from the outset.
Wednesday evenings 7pm-9pm
26th April-24th May
(2 week break then...)
14th June-5th July
What others say about our training!
Ready to sign up? Let's get going! Only 15 places so hurry.
If you're ready to jump in, click the button below. Start feeling the difference this is already making to the way you are dealing with stress, overwhlem and poor focus. Start feeling the confidence you have to handle whatever comes your way and build greater focus, happiness and peacefulness. Mindfulness and EFT are both highly evidence-based with thousands of quality research papers on their efficacy between them.
Imagine feeling fantastic, and building a new set of skills into your daily routine easily and effortlessly. Thinking more clearly. Making good decisions now. This is life-changing! Let's get this booked!
If you have any questions about this programme please drop me an email: info@willthomascoaching.com